Thursday, November 11, 2010

I Just Found A Light Blue Nerd in my Nerd Candy Box.... ((Post at 1am))

Its a particularly dyslexic, ADHD-ic night. So pardon any oddities. Well. More odd than normal. I've already edited this like 5 times and I've barely started typing- this may be a bad idea...

I almost spelled "box" - "bocks"

I spelled dyslexic- cixesledy. 

And I keep thinking I finished a word when I really didnt..  


I realized I have a "blog chair". 

I have yet to write a blog anywhere else but in this chair. ..

How I see the chair..

So there's that. Theres also usually a cup of coffee sitting beside me, But I dont have coffee tonight. I have my tired  and partly sick self fueling this blog post, So if you dont like it. Bite me.
Well. Please dont.. I dont want Aids.

Today I had THE weirdest and oddest songs stuck in my head.
All day. And they didnt go together, and I havent heard anyone of them in awhile...

So I caught myself randomly (and a bit too happily) singing parts of all the songs swimming around in my head.. and it went a little like this...

I went to the movies with dad tonight.

Candy costs an unimaginable amount at theatres. And you know how they have "no outside food or drink" signs? Yet somehow us girls with the huge purses can bring in candy and drinks with them knowing it?

I just had a vision from like, the future. Where they do purse checks at theatres.
because "there are no outside food or drinks" 

I dont know.
I just invision.

So. Buy your candy at walmart while you can ladies, because you never know when the theatre will put in a Candy-Detector and then we'll have to buy stupid over priced candy AT the theatre.

UPDATE:  It is now 2:30ish or something and my drawings look like total poop.
actually I probably couldnt even draw POOP if i wanted to..
I think that looks like the worst drawn poop in my life.
I'm going to bed. 
Sorry you have to read such a crappy blog
crappy. get it?! haha -_-

P.S  If you laughed at this blog..
you're really gross.
but I'm glad you laughed. cause laughing is good. Just dont laugh at poop too much, people might think you're deranged. . .


  1. I laughed... In the middle of having a serious conversation, because I read your blog.. 0.o

  2. Im glad you laughed! Except I'm sure whoever you were having a serious conversation with didnt appreciate it much O_o

    I wasnt so sure, posting at 1-2:30am isnt my normal thing, and I was tired and mostly deranged... come to think of it, I still am...
