Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Money Making...

Just a short post to share... 

I MADE 1.21$ ON MY ADS! =O

Granted, I wont get paid until it adds up to it may be awhile..but... 1.21 is better than nothing.. and somehow.. I feel strangely rich. Its pretty awesome =D

In other news.. Joanna and I are watching some show on the TV.. and Train is playing that Hey soul sister song...

and theres some lyrics..
"I'm so obsessed, my heart is bound to beat right out my untrimmed chest
I believe in you, like a virgin, you're Madonna, and I'm always gonna wanna blow your mind"

Im sure untrimmed means something other than untrimmed chest hairs...
but thats what I think of...

Its like.
Dude. Trim yo' chest hairs foo'!!!!!


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