Monday, November 29, 2010


I'm aware its still November. But Christmas this year is very different for me.. because... I'M CELEBRATING IT!!!!!!

Most people stare at me like I have some deformed child growing out of the side of my head when I say that.

But...its true! My parents never celebrated Christmas for their variant personal beliefs, and this year, being 18, I can now make the decision myself!

I'm visiting my old roommate in Alabama right now, and since she's going away for Christmas she said she was going to go ahead and put up her Christmas tree and that I could help...

I literally was vibrating from sheer excitement

I don't think she noticed :)
((And don't ask why I'm wearing a flowy dress and have huge boobs in the picture because I do NOT know))

I helped her put up the tree..

Now this tree isn't very big..
by very big I meant it came to my waist. I'm not sure , but I think my roommate was wondering if I'd be disappointed at the height.

But my reaction was the same..

I dug through her meager supply (I say meager, but I think it really is enough for the little tree)

I was so excited I had to remind myself to let her put on some ornaments too.. 

But by the end.. 

I wanted to ask her if we could take it all down and put it back up.. But I couldn't bear the thought of taking the tree down , even if it was just to put it back up...

If I had the money I would probably go buy the biggest tree ever, or lots of trees..
and my roommate would come to a maze of beautifully decorated trees..

But alas, I have no money.  I think I may soon start to annoy all the Christmas geezers with my christmasvirginity...

Its like I have Christmas cheer and excitement shooting from my very pores...

 Sufficed to say..



  1. CHRIIIIISTMASSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!! It's the best 'cause it equals bright shiney things and presents =]]]

  2. HAHAHA! Oh, I noticed how excited you were and WAS wondering if it was too small for you (that's what I said!). Sorry you didn't have a good Christmas Day.
