Monday, November 8, 2010

Why I'm Convinced Facebook's Creator is a Demented Control Freak

So we've all been through the website phases... First Xanga, then Myspace then Facebook, and now supposedly Twitter. 
Though I've never been a fan of twitter, its kind of like facebook, only minus EVERYTHING but the status updates and photos. Or at least that's the way it was when I used it last.  I think Facebook's creator is either demented or a control freak, or possibly both. We'll call Facebook Creator... Failbookist. We call him failbookist, because well. Lets face it, facebook fails.

Reason # 1.

You finally get used to the "new" layout and junk. And just when you get used to it....

I think his entire life hangs on the balance of how many people use facebook.  If it isn't popular enough he must find some new way to frustrate us, with some sort of addicting computer code that keeps us around trying to figure it all out. He lays awake at night...
And once Failbookist realizes we're finally happy and content with facebook. he throws in a kink.

Reason # 2
 Mostly based off and almost the same as reason #1
I think Failbookist doesn't have any friends and for some reason it gives him great delight to frustrate us with Facebook Chat. 
Only.. Failbookist has made sure we actually DON'T chat...we can get enough words in to keep us on facebook hoping Chat will finally work.  Until before we realize it.. what was supposed to be a 5 minute conversation has turned into a 5 hour one, with only a few words every hour .
and soon..

and.. what else am I leaving out?
Oh! New ways to stalk your friends! Instead of Wall-to-Wall.
We now have "see friendship".
Its like high school all over again! Failbookist wants to introduce jealousy,drama and all that other crap we experienced in high school and we NEVER want to go through again. But now we do. We can stalk that one girl that wont leave your best friend alone.. We can see who our boyfriend talks to, and gripe about how he doesn't comment as much on our page... We learn secrets and soon we turn into 16 year old girls about everything we see on facebook. 

(FYI. I do not do that or think that about my boyfriend )

 and last but not least.. well. actually it probably is least.
Those annoying reminders to "get in touch".  Or those pictures from like, 7th grade you don't really want anyone seeing, so you untag yourself, only for them to resurface and ask some random person on your friends list to tag you in them...    theres some pictures on facebook you cant get people to remove, so you untag them.. until they resurface..and it goes something like this.. .

And that.. my friends. Is why I think Failbookist (Facebook Creator) is a demented control freak.

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