Wednesday, December 29, 2010


 So. I'm moving to Alabama.. and I had about 12 days to pack up my entire life.

Naurally I started out cocky

Then after awhile...


On the day before I'm supposed to leave..

You'd think that the thought I have to leave in the morning, would spur me into action..
but no...

And here I am.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Oprah is NOT cool.

So here I am. Sitting in McDonalds, typing up my blog. Ive been needing to write for awhile, but my life is so stressed I have no idea what to write about!!!

Im pretty positive Mcdonalds is plotting world domination.  They're renovating their stores to look more posh and starbucks-y...they're making coffee (YUM!) and their food is just as addicting as its always been. But!!! DUN DUN DUN. The plot thickens! They've added FREE wi-fi to their list of increasing awesomeness.  Im pretty positive they're going to add a shower in the bathroom so you can eat,sleep and breathe mcdonalds. =O I just came up with a grand IDEA!

Dont ask me why it looks more like a public school than a motel because I dont know :D

 all Im saying is, Mcdonalds would make a killing.... They have food, and a place to sleep.
And half the world is addicted to Mcdonalds...  I should totally pitch this idea to the mcdonalds company!!!

Anyway. It took me ...way too long to draw that  but I had a grand time!

Also. Question.
What man decided it was a fashion statement for him to wear his pants so low he must hold them up by his crotch?

Just had fun drawing it.. and now.. I leave you with this stupid blog post.
Im slipping. Truly Im slipping :(

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Unemployment Part 2

Yes, Part two. 
I always thought 'part two' .. or three or four, was always a lame idea, because.. that just tells me that the writer failed to keep  everyones attention in 'part one', therefore having to write a part two so that people would read it just in hopes it'd be better than the first one.

Well. This isn't that writer. Cause I'm the sticky pickle and I'm awesome... in part one, two, three AND four. So SUCK IT.

I haven't had much sleep this past weekend..  So this blog is liable to be long, all over the place, and mildly if not obscenely inappropriate...

I realized it was time for me to write a new blog post, when I stood in the kitchen drinking soda from a can with a straw... for at least 10 minutes.

(note blank stare)

So this is me blogging about how unemployment makes you want to blog about every moment in your life, and everything else that comes to mind!

I was on my way home from Alabama, on Saturday, the afternoon Auburn was playing Carolina... and I was trying to listen to it on the way home.. except.. It kept going in and out.
And when it did that my facial expression changed a lot...


Needless to say, I didn't get to listen to the game =O

oh and I drew a picture for you guys of how I feel about unemployment!!!

In case you cant tell.. it says Unemployment in that little pool...

I'm starting to drown in unemployment....
but it amused me!

Also. Has anyone noticed how common words have become dirty words?
Like, wood?

I saw a sign on the way somewhere that says " We sell wood!"
And I died laughing.

I'm leaving you with that, because. Well. Id end up talking about wood some more if this blog went on, and so I am going to leave you with the pool of unemployment..
Don't drown!

I realize this is a terrible blog post, but I got to draw pictures and talk about wood. Also. Wikipedia is an awesome place to go to if you're bored.. That and Urban Dictionary...Go type in your name and see what your definition is :P

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Money Making...

Just a short post to share... 

I MADE 1.21$ ON MY ADS! =O

Granted, I wont get paid until it adds up to it may be awhile..but... 1.21 is better than nothing.. and somehow.. I feel strangely rich. Its pretty awesome =D

In other news.. Joanna and I are watching some show on the TV.. and Train is playing that Hey soul sister song...

and theres some lyrics..
"I'm so obsessed, my heart is bound to beat right out my untrimmed chest
I believe in you, like a virgin, you're Madonna, and I'm always gonna wanna blow your mind"

Im sure untrimmed means something other than untrimmed chest hairs...
but thats what I think of...

Its like.
Dude. Trim yo' chest hairs foo'!!!!!


Monday, November 29, 2010


I'm aware its still November. But Christmas this year is very different for me.. because... I'M CELEBRATING IT!!!!!!

Most people stare at me like I have some deformed child growing out of the side of my head when I say that.

But...its true! My parents never celebrated Christmas for their variant personal beliefs, and this year, being 18, I can now make the decision myself!

I'm visiting my old roommate in Alabama right now, and since she's going away for Christmas she said she was going to go ahead and put up her Christmas tree and that I could help...

I literally was vibrating from sheer excitement

I don't think she noticed :)
((And don't ask why I'm wearing a flowy dress and have huge boobs in the picture because I do NOT know))

I helped her put up the tree..

Now this tree isn't very big..
by very big I meant it came to my waist. I'm not sure , but I think my roommate was wondering if I'd be disappointed at the height.

But my reaction was the same..

I dug through her meager supply (I say meager, but I think it really is enough for the little tree)

I was so excited I had to remind myself to let her put on some ornaments too.. 

But by the end.. 

I wanted to ask her if we could take it all down and put it back up.. But I couldn't bear the thought of taking the tree down , even if it was just to put it back up...

If I had the money I would probably go buy the biggest tree ever, or lots of trees..
and my roommate would come to a maze of beautifully decorated trees..

But alas, I have no money.  I think I may soon start to annoy all the Christmas geezers with my christmasvirginity...

Its like I have Christmas cheer and excitement shooting from my very pores...

 Sufficed to say..


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I had another title for this post, but Annoying Repetitive Musical Neighbor has replaced it with " WOULD YOU SHUT THAT CRAP OFF BEFORE I SHOOT YOU?!"

..... I had a fantastic blog post all worked up in my mind for you, I was headed up to my room to get on my computer when I hear "BOOM BOOM BANG, BOOMIDY BOOM BOOM BANG BANG BOOM BOOM" ... thats right, The bass of some deranged person's music. Now, I always thought myself tolerant of musical garbage. But. It set my teeth on edge. I stomped up to my room in hopes of ignoring it, but it only got louder....  I finally stomped down the stairs in my monster slippers, ripped pj pants and shirt, and stormed outside.

I'm not usually an angry person.  But. I could not find. The source of that godforsaken music. It stopped though and I walked inside and upstairs again...content.

And it started again .


I was going to march outside and search for it again when Boyfriend pointed out it could be some psychotic freak that answered the door. I told him I was turning into a psychotic freak just having to listen to it, and my best friend advised that whoever it was would see I'm a pretty girl and might pull me inside.. O__O

I disagree.

This is what i would look like if I found the perpetrator...

.... I don't find that attractive. I find it redonkulous and crazy.

 Blogspot just gave me a fit and I had to create a photobucket to upload that picture, its like the blogging world just DOES NOT want me to blog... Between Annoying repetitive musical neighbor and having to fight to put up ONE picture... My creativity is draining!!!

I'm supposed to be packing for an 11 day trip... that I have to leave for at 8:15 in the morning (it is now 1:30)... but I thought I would have an amazing blogpost to leave ya'll with.. but nnooooo.

I'm going to find that stupid neighbor and kick him. or her.